Finishing Things Up

The last thing we should do is to package the skin into a r2skin file. The file is a standard zip-archive so we can use e.g. the build-in archiving functionalty in Windows. When creating the package we must make sure that the skin.xml is in the root folder of the archive. If there is an extra subfolder in the archive Rainlendar is not able to find the skin.xml from it and the skin won't be visible in the skin list.

In Windows you can right click on the skin.xml and select "Send to"->"Compressed (zipped) Folder" (if your skin contains multiple files, select them all). This will create a new file called into the Nahka folder. Rename it to Nahka.r2skin and move it to the parent folder. You should also delete or rename the old Nahka folder. The Nahka.r2skin is now ready to be distributed to other users.

The Nahka-skin is all in single file but if you are implementing a complex skin it might be useful to define the different windows in separate xml-files so that the file doesn't grow too big (Rainlendar doesn't mind about that but it's probably easier to find things if the files are smaller). You can check the Shadow4-skin as an example how to do that.

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